Introduction into MoinMoin Configuration
Kinds of configuration files
To change how moinmoin behaves and looks, you may customize it by editing its configuration files:
Wiki Engine Configuration
the file is often called, but it can have any name
in that file, there is a Config class; this is the wiki engine’s configuration
it is written in Python
Framework Configuration
this is also located in the same file as the Wiki Engine Configuration
there are some UPPERCASE settings at the bottom; this is the framework’s config (for Flask and Flask extensions)
it is written in Python
Logging Configuration
optional; if you don’t configure this, it will use the builtin defaults
this is a separate file, often called logging.conf
it has an .ini-like file format
Do small steps and have backups
Start from one of the sample configs provided with moin and only perform small changes, then try it before testing the next change.
If you’re not used to the config file format, backup your last working config so you can revert to it in case you make some hard to find typo or other error.
Editing Python files
When editing Python files, be careful with indentation, only use multiples of 4 spaces to indent, and no tabs!
Also, be careful with syntax in general, it must be valid Python code or else it will crash with some error when trying to load the config. If that happens, read the error message, it will usually tell the line number and what the problem is. If you can’t fix it easily, then revert to your backup of your last working config.
Why use Python for configuration?
At first, you might wonder why we use Python code for configuration. One of the reasons is that it is a powerful language. MoinMoin itself is developed in Python and using something else would usually mean much more work when developing new functionality.
Directory Structure
Shown below are parts of the directory structure after cloning moin and running The default uses the OS file system for storage of wiki data and indexes. The directories and files shown are referenced in this section of documentation related to configuration:
moin/ # clone root, default name
contrib/ # scripts and docs of interest to developers
docs/ # moin documentation in restructured text (.rst) format
html/ # local copy of moin documentation, created by running "./m docs" command
requirements.d/ # package requirements used by
scripts/ # misc. scripts of interest to developers
moin/ # large directory containing moin application code
wiki/ # the wiki instance; created by running "./m new-wiki" or "moin create-instance" commands
data/ # wiki data and metadata
index/ # wiki indexes
wiki_local/ # a convenient location to store custom CSS, Javascript, templates, logos, etc. # main configuration file, modify this to add or change features
intermap.txt # interwiki map: copied by, updated by "./m interwiki"
After installing moin from pypi or unpacking using a package manager, the directory structure will look like this:
myvenv/ # virtualenv root
bin/ # Windows calls this directory Scripts
include # Windows calls this directory Include
lib/ # Windows calls this directory Lib, includes moin package
After activating the above venv, moin create-instance -p <mywiki> creates the structure below. Multiple instances of mywiki can be created with different names. mywiki may be created as a subdirectory of myvenv or elsewhere. The preview and sql subdirectories are created when a user edits a wiki item. To run moin using the built-in server, cd to the <mywiki> directory and execute moin run.:
mywiki/ # wikiconfig dir, use this as CWD for moin commands
wiki/ # the wiki instance; created by `moin create-instance`
data/ # wiki data and metadata
index/ # wiki indexes
preview/ # text item backups are created when user clicks edit Preview button
sql/ # sqlite database used for edit locking
wiki-local/ # store custom CSS, Javascript, templates, logos, etc. here # main configuration file, modify this to add or change features
intermap.txt # list of external wikis used in wikilinks: [[MeatBall:InterWiki]] Layout
A looks like this:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from moin.config.default import DefaultConfig
class Config(DefaultConfig):
# some comment
sometext = 'your value'
somelist = [1, 2, 3]
MOINCFG = Config # Flask only likes uppercase characters
Let’s go through this line-by-line:
this declares the encoding of the config file; make sure your editor uses the same encoding (character set), especially if you intend to use non-ASCII characters.
this gets the DefaultConfig class from the moin code; it has default values for all settings and this will save you work, because you only have to define the parts that should be different from the defaults.
empty line, for better readability
define a new class Config that inherits most content from DefaultConfig; this is the wiki engine configuration and if you define some setting within this class, it will overwrite the setting from DefaultConfig.
a # character defines a comment in your config. This line, as well as all other following lines with Config settings, is indented by 4 blanks, because Python defines blocks by indentation.
define a Config attribute called sometext with value ‘your value’.
define a Config attribute called somelist with value [1, 2, 3]; this is a list with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 as its elements.
empty line, for better readability
the special line “MOINCFG = Config” must stay there in exactly this form for technical reasons.
UPPERCASE code at the bottom, outside the Config class is a framework configuration; usually something for Flask or some Flask extension.
A real-life example of a can be found in the src/moin/config directory. This file will be initially copied to your wiki path when you create a new wiki and is missing.
Wiki Engine Configuration
User Interface Customization
Customizing a wiki usually requires adding a few files that contain custom templates, logo image, CSS, etc. To accomplish this, a directory named “wiki_local” is provided. One advantage of using this directory and following the examples below is that MoinMoin will serve the files.
If desired, the name of this directory may be changed or a separate subdirectory for template files may be created by editing the wikiconfig file and changing the line that defines template_dirs:
template_dirs = [os.path.join(wikiconfig_dir, 'wiki_local'), ]
Using a custom snippets.html template
The user interface or html elements that often need customization are defined as macros in the template file snippets.html.
If you would like to customize some parts, you have to copy the built-in src/moin/templates/snippets.html file and save it in the wiki_local directory so moin can use your copy instead of the built-in one.
To customize something, you usually have to insert your code between the {% macro … %} and {% endmacro %} lines, see below for more details.
To replace the default MoinMoin logo with your own logo, copy your logo to wiki_local and change the logo macro to something like:
{% macro logo() -%}
<img src="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='wiki_local', filename='MyLogo.png') }}" id="moin-img-logo" alt="Logo">
{%- endmacro %}
This is recommended to allow your users to immediately recognize which wiki site they are currently on.
You can use text or even nothing at all for the logo, it is not required to be an image:
{% macro logo() -%}
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: red;">My Wiki</span>
{%- endmacro %}
Make sure the dimensions of your logo image or text fit into the layout of the theme(s) your wiki users are using.
Displaying license information
If you need to display something like license information for your content or some other legalese, use this macro:
{# License information in the footer #}
{% macro license_info() -%}
All wiki content is licensed under the WTFPL.
{%- endmacro %}
Inserting pieces of HTML
At some specific places, you can add a piece of your own html into the head or body of the theme’s html output:
{# Additional HTML tags inside <head> #}
{% macro head() -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{# Additional HTML before #moin-header #}
{% macro before_header() -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{# Additional HTML after #moin-header #}
{% macro after_header() -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{# Additional HTML before #moin-footer #}
{% macro before_footer() -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{# Additional HTML after #moin-footer #}
{% macro after_footer() -%}
{%- endmacro %}
Credits and Credit Logos
At the bottom of your wiki pages, usually some text and image links are shown pointing out that the wiki runs MoinMoin, uses Python, that MoinMoin is GPL licensed, etc.
If you run a public site using MoinMoin, we would appreciate if you keep those links, especially the “MoinMoin powered” one.
However, if you can’t do that for some reason, feel free to modify these macros to show something else:
{# Image links in the footer #}
{% macro creditlogos(start='<ul id="moin-creditlogos"><li>'|safe, end='</li></ul>'|safe, sep='</li><li>'|safe) %}
{{ start }}
{{ creditlogo('', url_for('.static', filename='logos/moinmoin_powered.png'),
'MoinMoin powered', 'This site uses the MoinMoin Wiki software.') }}
{{ sep }}
{{ creditlogo('', url_for('.static', filename='logos/python_powered.png'),
'Python powered', 'MoinMoin is written in Python.') }}
{{ end }}
{% endmacro %}
{# Text links in the footer #}
{% macro credits(start='<p id="moin-credits">'|safe, end='</p>'|safe, sep='<span>•</span>'|safe) %}
{{ start }}
{{ credit('', 'MoinMoin Powered', 'This site uses the MoinMoin Wiki software.') }}
{{ sep }}
{{ credit('', 'Python Powered', 'MoinMoin is written in Python.') }}
{{ sep }}
{{ credit('', 'GPL licensed', 'MoinMoin is GPL licensed.') }}
{{ sep }}
{{ credit('', 'Valid HTML5', 'Click here to validate this page.') }}
{{ end }}
{% endmacro %}
Adding scripts
You can add scripts like this:
{# Additional Javascript #}
{% macro scripts() -%}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='wiki_local', filename='MyScript.js') }}"></script>
{% endmacro %}
Adding CSS
To apply some style changes, add some custom css and overwrite any style you don’t like in the base theme:
{# Additional Stylesheets (after theme css, before user css #}
{% macro stylesheets() -%}
<link media="screen" href="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='wiki_local', filename='company.css') }}" title="Company CSS" rel="stylesheet" />
<link media="screen" href="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='wiki_local', filename='red.css') }}" title="Red Style" rel="alternate stylesheet" />
<link media="screen" href="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='wiki_local', filename='green.css') }}" title="Green Style" rel="alternate stylesheet" />
{%- endmacro %}
You can either add some normal css stylesheet or add a choice of alternate stylesheets.
A good way to test a stylesheet is to first use it as user CSS before configuring it for the public.
Please note that stylesheets will be included no matter what theme the user has selected, so either only apply changes to all available themes or force all users to use the same theme, so that your CSS displays correctly.
Customize the CMS Theme
Moin provides one CMS theme: the Topside CMS Theme.
The CMS theme replaces the wiki navigation links used by editors and administrators with a few links to the most important items within your wiki. Wiki admins may want to make the CMS theme the default theme when:
Casual visitors are interested in viewing the wiki content, but confused by the wiki navigation links.
Errant bots are overloading your server by following the wiki navigation links on every page.
Contributors do not mind logging in before editing.
Customizing the CMS header may be done as follows. Several restarts of the server may be required:
Copy /templates/snippets.html to the wiki_local directory and find the macro cms_header.
Usually the logo, sitename, and search form sections are not changed.
If a link to login is wanted, leave the “request.user_agent” section as is, else remove the entire block.
Add or remove links in the navibar section as required, defaults links include Home page and Global Index.
If many links are desired, consider using macro custom_panels.
Test by logging in and setting “Topside CMS Theme” as your preferred theme.
After testing, make the cms theme the default theme by adding
theme_default = "topside_cms"
to wikiconfig.Inform your editors to login and set another theme as their preferred theme.
If the login link was removed, the login page is available by keying
as the page name in the browser URL.
Here is the source code segment from snippets.html:
{# Header/Sidebar for topside_cms theme - see docs for tips on customization #}
{% macro cms_header() %}
<header id="moin-header" lang="{{ theme_supp.user_lang }}" dir="{{ theme_supp.user_dir }}">
{% block header %}
{% if logo() %}
<div id="moin-logo">
<a href="{{ url_for('frontend.show_item', item_name=cfg.root_mapping.get('', cfg.default_root)) }}">
{{ logo() }}
{%- endif %}
{% if cfg.sitename %}
<a class="moin-sitename" href="{{ url_for('frontend.show_item', item_name=cfg.root_mapping.get('', cfg.default_root)) }}">
{{ cfg.sitename }}
{%- endif %}
{% if request.user_agent and search_form %} {# request.user_agent is true if browser, false if run as moin dump-html #}
{{ utils.header_search(search_form) }}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user_agent %} {# request.user_agent is true if browser, false if run as moin dump-html #}
<ul id="moin-username" class="moin-header-links">
{{ utils.user_login_logoff() }}
{%- endif %}
<ul id="moin-navibar" class="moin-header-links panel">
{# wiki admins should add links and headings for key items within the local wiki below #}
<li class="moin-panel-heading">Navigation</li>
<li class="wikilink"><a href="{{ url_for('frontend.show_item', item_name='Home') }}">Start</a></li>
<li class="wikilink"><a href="{{ url_for('frontend.show_item', item_name='+index') }}">Index</a></li>
{{ custom_panels() }}
{% endblock %}
{% endmacro %}
Displaying user avatars
Optionally, moin can display avatar images for the users, using service. To enable it, add or uncomment this line in wikiconfig:
user_use_gravatar = True
If a user is not registered with, a default image can be specified using the parameter user_gravatar_default_img, this can be a publicly available URL or a keyword “mp”, “identicon”, “monsterid”, “wavatar”, “retro” or “robohash”, the default value is “blank” (see for details).
Please note that using the gravatar service has some privacy issues:
to register your image for your email at, you need to give them your email address, which is the same as you use in your wiki user profile.
when the wiki displays an avatar image on some item / view, the URL will be exposed as referrer to the avatar service provider, so they will roughly know which people read or work on which wiki items / views.
XStatic Packages
XStatic is a packaging standard to package external static files as a Python package, often third party. That way they are easily usable on all operating systems, whether it has a package management system or not.
In many cases, those external static files are maintained by someone else (like jQuery javascript library or larger js libraries) and we definitely do not want to merge them into our project.
For MoinMoin we require the following XStatic Packages in pyproject.toml:
jquery for jquery lib functions loaded in the template file base.html
jquery_file_upload loaded in the template file of index view. It allows to upload many files at once.
bootstrap used by the basic theme.
font_awesome provides text icons.
ckeditor used in template file modify_text_html. A WYSIWYG editor similar to word processing desktop editing applications.
autosize used by basic theme to adjust textarea on modify view.
svgedit_moin is loaded at template modify_svg-edit. It is a fast, web-based, Javascript-driven SVG editor.
jquery_tablesorter used to provide client side table sorting.
pygments used to style code fragments.
These packages are imported in wikiconfig by:
from xstatic.main import XStatic
# names below must be package names
mod_names = [
'jquery', 'jquery_file_upload',
pkg = __import__('xstatic.pkg', fromlist=mod_names)
for mod_name in mod_names:
mod = getattr(pkg, mod_name)
xs = XStatic(mod, root_url='/static', provider='local', protocol='http')
serve_files[] = xs.base_dir
In a template file you access the files of such a package by its module name:
url_for('serve.files', name='the mod name', filename='the file to load')
Adding XStatic Packages
The following example shows how you can enable the additional package XStatic-MathJax which is used for mathml or latex formulas in an item’s content.
install xstatic-mathjax (e.g. using
pip install xstatic-mathjax
)add the name ‘mathjax’ to to the list of mod_names in wikiconfig
copy /templates/snippets.html to the wiki_local directory
modify the snippets.html copy by adding the required fragment to the scripts macro:
{% macro scripts() -%} <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js"], jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\(","\\)"]]} }); </script> <script src="{{ url_for('serve.files', name='mathjax', filename='MathJax.js') }}"></script> {%- endmacro %}
Custom Themes
In case you want to do major changes to how MoinMoin displays its pages, you could also write your own theme.
Caution: developing your own theme means you also have to maintain and update it, which normally requires a long-term effort.
To add a new theme, add a new directory under src/moin/themes/ where the directory name is the name of your theme. Note the directory structure under the other existing themes. Copy an info.json file to your theme directory and edit as needed. Create a file named theme.css in the src/moin/themes/<theme name>/static/css/ directory.
To change the layout of the theme header, sidebar and footer, create a templates/ directory and copy and modify the files layout.html and show.html from either src/moin/templates/ or one of the existing theme templates directories.
For many themes, modifying the files noted above will be sufficient. If changes to views are required, copy additional template files. If there is a requirement to change the MoinMoin base code, please consider submitting a patch.
MoinMoin uses a configurable auth list of authenticators, so the admin can configure whatever he/she likes to allow for authentication. Moin processes this list from left to right.
Each authenticator is an instance of some specific class, configuration of the authenticators usually works by giving them keyword arguments. Most have reasonable defaults though.
This is the default authentication moin uses if you don’t configure something else. The user logs in by filling out the login form with username and password, moin compares the password hash against the one stored in the user’s profile and if both match, the user is authenticated:
from moin.auth import MoinAuth
auth = [MoinAuth()] # this is the default!
With HTTPAuthMoin moin does http basic authentication by itself without the help of the web server:
from moin.auth.http import HTTPAuthMoin
auth = [HTTPAuthMoin(autocreate=True)]
If configured like that, moin will request authentication by emitting a http header. Browsers then usually show some login dialogue to the user, asking for username and password. Both then gets transmitted to moin and it is compared against the password hash stored in the user’s profile.
Note: when HTTPAuthMoin is used, the browser will show that login dialogue, so users must login to use the wiki.
With GivenAuth moin relies on the webserver doing the authentication and giving the result to moin, usually via the environment variable REMOTE_USER:
from moin.auth import GivenAuth
auth = [GivenAuth(autocreate=True, coding='utf-8')]
Using this method has some pros and cons:
you can use lots of authentication extensions available for your web server
but the only information moin will get via REMOTE_USER is the authenticated user’s name, nothing else. So, e.g. for LDAP/AD, you won’t get additional content stored in the LDAP directory.
everything you won’t get, but which you need, will need to be manually stored and updated in the user’s profile, e.g. the user’s email address, etc.
Please note that you must give the correct character set so that moin can decode the username to unicode, if necessary. For environment variables like REMOTE_USER, the coding might depend on your operating system.
If you do not know the correct coding, try: ‘utf-8’, ‘iso-8859-1’, …
add the usual coding(s) for some platforms (like windows)
To try it out, change configuration, restart moin and then use some non-ASCII username (like with german umlauts or accented characters). If moin does not crash (log a Unicode Error), you have likely found the correct coding.
For users configuring GivenAuth on Apache, an example virtual host configuration is included at contrib/deployment/moin-http-basic-auth.conf
With LDAPAuth you can authenticate users against a LDAP directory or MS Active Directory service.
LDAPAuth with single LDAP server
This example shows how to use LDAPAuth with a single LDAP/AD server:
from moin.auth.ldap_login import LDAPAuth
ldap_common_arguments = dict(
# the values shown below are the DEFAULT values (you may remove them if you are happy with them),
# the examples shown in the comments are typical for Active Directory (AD) or OpenLDAP.
bind_dn='', # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP.
# Be careful if you need a % char in those strings - as they are used as
# a format string, you have to write %% to get a single % in the end.
#bind_dn = '' # (AD)
#bind_dn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' # (OpenLDAP)
#bind_pw = 'secret'
# or we can use the username and password we got from the user:
#bind_dn = '%(username)' # DN we use for first bind (AD)
#bind_pw = '%(password)s' # password we use for first bind
# or we can bind anonymously (if that is supported by your directory).
# In any case, bind_dn and bind_pw must be defined.
base_dn='', # base DN we use for searching
#base_dn = 'ou=SOMEUNIT,dc=example,dc=org'
scope=2, # scope of the search we do (2 == ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
referrals=0, # LDAP REFERRALS (0 needed for AD)
search_filter='(uid=%(username)s)', # ldap filter used for searching:
#search_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)' # (AD)
#search_filter = '(uid=%(username)s)' # (OpenLDAP)
# you can also do more complex filtering like:
# "(&(cn=%(username)s)(memberOf=CN=WikiUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org))"
# some attribute names we use to extract information from LDAP (if not None,
# if None, the attribute won't be extracted from LDAP):
givenname_attribute=None, # often 'givenName' - ldap attribute we get the first name from
surname_attribute=None, # often 'sn' - ldap attribute we get the family name from
aliasname_attribute=None, # often 'displayName' - ldap attribute we get the aliasname from
email_attribute=None, # often 'mail' - ldap attribute we get the email address from
email_callback=None, # callback function called to make up email address
coding='utf-8', # coding used for ldap queries and result values
timeout=10, # how long we wait for the ldap server [s]
start_tls=0, # usage of Transport Layer Security 0 = No, 1 = Try, 2 = Required
tls_require_cert=0, # 0 == ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER (needed for self-signed certs)
bind_once=False, # set to True to only do one bind - useful if configured to bind as the user on the first attempt
autocreate=True, # set to True to automatically create/update user profiles
report_invalid_credentials=True, # whether to emit "invalid username or password" msg at login time or not
ldap_authenticator1 = LDAPAuth(
server_uri='ldap://localhost', # ldap / active directory server URI
# use ldaps://server:636 url for ldaps,
# use ldap://server for ldap without tls (and set start_tls to 0),
# use ldap://server for ldap with tls (and set start_tls to 1 or 2).
name='ldap1', # unique name for the ldap server, e.g. 'ldap_pdc' and 'ldap_bdc' (or 'ldap1' and 'ldap2')
**ldap_common_arguments # expand the common arguments
auth = [ldap_authenticator1, ] # this is a list, you may have multiple ldap authenticators
# as well as other authenticators
# customize user preferences (optional, see MoinMoin/config/multiconfig for internal defaults)
# you maybe want to use user_checkbox_remove, user_checkbox_defaults, user_form_defaults,
# user_form_disable, user_form_remove.
LDAPAuth with two LDAP servers
This example shows how to use LDAPAuth with a two LDAP/AD servers, such as in a setup with a primary controller and backup domain controller:
# ... same as for single server (except the line with "auth =") ...
ldap_authenticator2 = LDAPAuth(
server_uri='ldap://otherldap', # ldap / active directory server URI for second server
auth = [ldap_authenticator1, ldap_authenticator2, ]
AuthLog is not a real authenticator in the sense that it authenticates (logs in) or deauthenticates (logs out) users. It is passively logging informations for authentication debugging:
from moin.auth import MoinAuth
from moin.auth.log import AuthLog
auth = [MoinAuth(), AuthLog(), ]
Example logging output:
2011-02-05 16:35:00,229 INFO MoinMoin.auth.log:22 login: user_obj=<moin.user.User at 0x90a0f0c name:'ThomasWaldmann' valid:1> kw={'username': 'ThomasWaldmann', 'attended': True, 'multistage': None, 'login_password': 'secret', 'login_username': 'ThomasWaldmann', 'password': 'secret', 'login_submit': ''}
2011-02-05 16:35:04,716 INFO MoinMoin.auth.log:22 session: user_obj=<MoinMoin.user.User at 0x90a0f6c name:'ThomasWaldmann' valid:1> kw={}
2011-02-05 16:35:06,294 INFO MoinMoin.auth.log:22 logout: user_obj=<MoinMoin.user.User at 0x92b5d4c name:'ThomasWaldmann' valid:False> kw={}
2011-02-05 16:35:06,328 INFO MoinMoin.auth.log:22 session: user_obj=None kw={}
Note: there is sensitive information like usernames and passwords in this log output. Make sure you only use this for testing only and delete the logs when done.
Transmission security
Some of the authentication methods described above will transmit credentials, like usernames and password, in unencrypted form:
MoinAuth: when the login form contents are transmitted to moin, they contain username and password in clear text.
HTTPAuthMoin: your browser will transfer username and password in a encoded (but NOT encrypted) form with EVERY request; it uses http basic auth.
GivenAuth: check the potential security issues of the authentication method used by your web server; for http basic auth please see HTTPAuthMoin.
http transmits everything in clear text and is therefore not encrypted.
Transmitting unencrypted credentials or contents can cause serious issues in many scenarios.
We recommend you make sure the connections are encrypted, like with https or VPN or an ssh tunnel.
For public wikis with very low security / privacy needs, it might not be needed to encrypt the content transmissions, but there is still an issue for the credential transmissions.
When using unencrypted connections, wiki users are advised to make sure they use unique credentials and not reuse passwords that are used for other purposes.
Password security
Password strength
As you might know, many users are bad at choosing reasonable passwords and some are tempted to use easily crackable passwords.
To help users choose reasonable passwords, moin has a simple builtin password checker that is enabled by default and does some sanity checks, so users don’t choose easily crackable passwords.
It does check:
length of password (default minimum: 8)
amount of different characters in password (default minimum: 5)
password does not contain user name
user name does not contain password
password is not a keyboard sequence (like “ASDFghjkl” or “987654321”), currently we have only US and DE keyboard data built-in.
It does not check:
whether the password is in a well-known dictionary or password list
whether a password cracker can break it
If you are not satisfied with the default values, you can easily customize the checker:
from moin.config.default import DefaultConfig, _default_password_checker
password_checker = lambda cfg, name, pw: _default_password_checker(
cfg, name, pw, min_length=10, min_different=6)
You could also completely replace it with your own implementation.
If your site has rather low security requirements, you can disable the checker by:
password_checker = None # no password checking
Password storage
Moin never stores wiki user passwords in clear text, but uses strong cryptographic hashes provided by the “passlib” library, see there for details:
The passlib docs recommend 3 hashing schemes that have good security: sha512_crypt, pbkdf2_sha512 and bcrypt (bcrypt has additional binary/compiled package requirements, please refer to the passlib docs in case you want to use it).
By default, we use sha512_crypt hashes with default parameters as provided by passlib (this is same algorithm as moin >= 1.9.7 used by default).
In case you experience slow logins or feel that you might need to tweak the hash generation for other reasons, please read the passlib docs. moin allows you to configure passlib’s CryptContext params within the wiki config, the default is this:
passlib_crypt_context = dict(
schemes=["sha512_crypt", ],
Moin uses secrets to encrypt or cryptographically sign something like:
Secrets are long random strings and not a reuse of any of your passwords. Don’t use the strings shown below, they are NOT secret as they are part of the moin documentation. Make up your own secrets:
secrets = {
'security/ticket': 'asdasdvarebtZertbaoihnownbrrergfqe3r',
If you don’t configure these secrets, moin will detect this and reuse Flask’s SECRET_KEY for all secrets it needs.
Group names can be used in place of usernames within ACLs. There are three types of groups: WikiGroups, ConfigGroups, and CompositeGroups. A group is a list of unicode names, where a name may be either a username or another group name.
Use of groups will reduce the administrative effort required to maintain ACL rules, especially in wikis with a large community of users. Rather than change multiple ACL rules to reflect a new or departing member, a group may be updated. To achieve maximum benefit, some advance planning is required to determine the kind and names of groups suitable for your wiki.
The wiki server must be restarted to reflect updates made to ConfigGroups and CompositeGroups.
Names of WikiGroup items must end in “Group”. There is no such requirement for the names of ConfigGroups or CompositeGroups.
Group backend configuration
The WikiGroups backend is enabled by default so there is no need to add the following to wikiconfig:
def groups(self):
from moin.datastructures import WikiGroups
return WikiGroups()
To create a WikiGroup that can be used in an ACL rule:
Create a wiki item with a name ending in “Group” (the content of the item is not relevant).
Edit the metadata and add entries under the heading “Wiki Groups”, one entry per line.
Leading and trailing spaces are ignored, internal spaces are accepted.:
JaneDoe JohnDoe SomeOtherGroup
Use the new group name in one or more ACL rules.
For public wikis, it is recommended that a TrustedEditorGroup (or similar name) be created.
The ConfigGroups backend uses groups defined in the configuration file. Adding the following to wikiconfig creates an EditorGroup and an AdminGroup and prevents the use of any WikiGroups:
def groups(self):
from moin.datastructures import ConfigGroups
groups = {'EditorGroup': ['AdminGroup', 'John', 'JoeDoe', 'Editor1'],
'AdminGroup': ['Admin1', 'Admin2', 'John']}
return ConfigGroups(groups)
CompositeGroups enable both ConfigGroups and WikiGroups to be used. The example below defines the same ConfigGroups used above and enables the use of WikiGroups. Note that order matters! Since ConfigGroups backend is first in the return tuple, the EditGroup and AdminGroup defined below will be used should there be WikiGroup items with the same names:
def groups(self):
from moin.datastructures import ConfigGroups, WikiGroups, CompositeGroups
groups = {'EditorGroup': ['AdminGroup', 'John', 'JoeDoe', 'Editor1'],
'AdminGroup': ['Admin1', 'Admin2', 'John']}
return CompositeGroups(ConfigGroups(groups), WikiGroups())
Dict backend configuration
The dict backend provides a means for translating phrases in documentation through the use of the GetVal macro.
The WikiDicts backend is enabled by default so there is no need to add the following to wikiconfig:
def dicts(self):
from moin.datastructures import WikiDicts
return WikiDicts()
To create a WikiDict that can be used in an GetVal macro:
Create a wiki item with a name ending in “Dict” (the content of the item is not relevant)
Edit the metadata and add an entry under the heading “Wiki Dict”:
apple=red banana=yellow pear=green
The ConfigDicts backend uses dicts defined in the configuration file. Adding the following to wikiconfig creates a OneDict and a NumbersDict and prevents the use of any WikiDicts:
def dicts(self):
from moin.datastructures import ConfigDicts
dicts = {'OneDict': {'first_key': 'first item',
'second_key': 'second item'},
'NumbersDict': {'1': 'One',
'2': 'Two'}}
return ConfigDicts(dicts)
CompositeDicts enable both ConfigDicts and WikiDicts to be used. The example below defines the same ConfigDicts used above and enables the use of WikiDicts. Note that order matters! Since ConfigDicts backend is first in the return tuple, the OneDict and NumbersDict defined below will be used should there be WikiDict items with the same names:
def dicts(self):
from moin import ConfigDicts, WikiDicts, CompositeDicts
dicts = {'OneDict': {'first_key': 'first item',
'second_key': 'second item'},
'NumbersDict': {'1': 'One',
'2': 'Two'}}
return CompositeDicts(ConfigDicts(dicts),
MoinMoin supports storage backends as different ways of storing wiki items.
Setup of storage is rather complex and layered, involving:
Routing middleware that dispatches by namespace to the respective backend
ACL checking middleware that makes sure nobody accesses something he/she is not authorized to access
Indexing mixin that indexes some data automatically on commit, so items can be selected / retrieved faster.
storage backends that store wiki items
This is a helper function to make storage setup easier when your wiki will be using only the predefined namespaces and one kind of backend (OS file system, sqla or sqlite). It creates a simple setup that defines storage backends for these namespaces:
default - items that define wiki content
users - personnal user content
userprofiles - user metadata such as timezone, subscriptions, etc.
help-en - English language help pages for editors
help-common - media items used by help-en
For each namespace, the following structures are created:
configure ACLs protecting the namespaces
setup router middleware that dispatches to the namespace backends
setup a indexing mixin that maintains an index of all namespaces
Call it as follows:
from import create_simple_mapping
namespace_mapping, backend_mapping, acl_mapping = create_simple_mapping(
hierarchic=..., ),
hierarchiv=False, ),
hierarchiv=False, ),
The *_acl variables are dictionaries specifying the ACLs for each namespace. See the docs about ACLs.
The uri depends on the kind of storage backend and stores you want to use, see below. Usually it is a URL-like string in the form of:
stores is the name of the backend, followed by a colon, followed by a store specification. fs is the type of the store, followed by a specification that makes sense for the fs (filesystem) store, i.e. a path with placeholders.
%(backend)s placeholder will be replaced by the namespace for the respective backend. %(kind)s will be replaced by ‘meta’ or ‘data’ later.
The mapping created will look like this:
Namespace |
Filesystem path for storage |
default |
/srv/mywiki/default/ |
users |
/srv/mywiki/users/ |
userprofiles |
/srv/mywiki/userprofiles/ |
help-en |
/srv/mywiki/help-en/ |
help-common |
/srv/mywiki/help-common/ |
If your wiki will be using custom namespaces then you cannot use the create_simple_mapping method. See the create_mapping method in the namespaces section below.
protecting middleware
protects access to lower storage layers by ACLs (Access Control Lists)
makes sure there won’t be ACL security issues, even if upper layers have bugs
if you use create_simple_mapping, you just give the ACL parameters; the middleware will be set up automatically by moin.
routing middleware
dispatches storage access to different backends depending on the namespace
if you use create_simple_mapping, the router middleware will be set up automatically by moin.
indexing middleware
maintains an index for important metadata values
speeds up looking up / selecting items
makes it possible for lower storage layers to be simpler
the indexing middleware will be set up automatically by moin.
stores backend
This is a backend that ties together 2 stores to form a backend: one for meta, one for data
fs store
stores into the filesystem
store metadata and data into separate files/directories
from import create_simple_mapping
data_dir = '/srv/mywiki/data'
namespace_mapping, acl_mapping = create_simple_mapping(
after='', ),
after='', ),
# userprofiles is for internal use, contains only user metadata, access denied to all
after='', ),
sqla store
stores data into an (SQL) database / table
can either use 1 database per store or 1 table per store and you need to give different table names then
uses slqalchemy (without the ORM) for database abstraction
supports multiple types of databases, for example:
sqlite (default, comes built-into Python)
and others, see sqlalchemy docs.
uri for create_simple_mapping looks like e.g.:
The uri part after “sqla:” is like:
Please see the sqlalchemy docs about the DBURI part.
Grant ‘myuser’ (his password: ‘mypassword’) full access to these databases.
sqlite store
directly talks to sqlite, without using sqlalchemy
stores data into an sqlite database, which is a single file
can either use 1 database per store or 1 table per store and you need to give different table names then
can optionally compress/decompress the data using zlib: default compression level is 0, which means “do not compress”
uri for create_simple_mapping looks like e.g.:
The uri part after “sqlite:” is like:
It uses “::” as separator to support windows pathes which may have “:” after the drive letter.
memory store
keeps everything in RAM
if your system or the moin process crashes, all data is lost, so definitely not for production use
mostly intended for testing
single process only
fileserver backend
exposes a part of the filesystem as read-only wiki items
files will show up as wiki items
with 1 revision
with as much metadata as can be made up from the filesystem metadata
directories will show up as index items, listing links to their contents
Moin has support for multiple namespaces. You can configure them per your needs. URLs for items within a namespace are similar to sub-items.
To configure custom namespaces, find the section in that looks similar to this:
namespaces = {
# maps namespace name -> backend name
# these 3 standard namespaces are required, these have separate backends
# namespaces for editor help files are optional, if unwanted delete here and in backends and acls
NAMESPACE_HELP_COMMON: 'help-common', # contains media files used by other language helps
NAMESPACE_HELP_EN: 'help-en', # replace this with help-de, help-ru, help-pt_BR etc.
# define custom namespaces using the default backend
# 'foo': 'default',
# custom namespace with a separate backend (a wiki/data/bar directory will be created)
# 'bar': 'bar',
backends = {
# maps backend name -> storage
# the feature to use different storage types for each namespace is not implemented so use None below.
# the storage type for all backends is set in 'uri' above,
# all values in `namespace` dict must be defined as keys in `backends` dict
'default': None,
'users': None,
'userprofiles': None,
# help namespaces are optional
'help-common': None,
'help-en': None,
# required for bar namespace if defined above
# 'bar': None,
acls = {
# maps namespace name -> acl configuration dict for that namespace
# One way to customize this for large wikis is to create a TrustedEditorsGroup item with
# ACL = "TrustedEditorsGroup:read,write All:"
# add a list of user names under the item's User Group metadata heading. Item content does not matter.
# Every user in YOUR-TRUSTED-EDITOR-GROUP will be able to add/delete users.
# most wiki data will be stored in NAMESPACE_DEFAULT
default='YOUR-TRUSTED-EDITORS-GROUP:read,write,create All:read',
hierarchic=False, ),
# user home pages should be stored here
default='YOUR-TRUSTED-EDITORS-GROUP:read,write,create All:read',
# True enables possibility of an admin creating ACL rules for a user's subpages
hierarchic=True, ),
# contains user data that must be kept secret, dis-allow access for all
hierarchic=False, ),
# editor help namespacess are optional
'help-common': dict(
default='YOUR-TRUSTED-EDITORS-GROUP:read,write,create All:read',
hierarchic=False, ),
'help-en': dict(
default='YOUR-TRUSTED-EDITORS-GROUP:read,write,create All:read',
hierarchic=False, ),
namespace_mapping, backend_mapping, acl_mapping = create_mapping(uri, namespaces, backends, acls, )
# define mapping of namespaces to unique item_roots (home pages within namespaces).
root_mapping = {'users': 'UserHome', }
# default root, use this value by default for all namespaces
default_root = 'Home'
Edit the above renaming or deleting the lines with foo and bar and adding the desired custom namespaces. Be sure all the names in the namespaces dict are also added to the acls dict. All of the values in the namespaces dict must be included as keys in the backends dict.
There cannot be an item with the same name as a namespace. Using the example above, if import19 is used to convert a moin 1.9 wiki to moin 2.0, then an item foo would be renamed to foo/fooHome.
Mail configuration
Sending E-Mail
Moin can optionally send E-Mail. Possible uses:
send out item change notifications
enable users to reset forgotten passwords
inform admins about runtime exceptions
You need to configure some settings before sending E-Mail can be supported:
# the "from:" address [Unicode]
mail_from = "wiki <>"
# a) using an SMTP server, e.g. "" with optional `:port`
appendix, which defaults to 25 (set None to disable mail)
mail_smarthost = ""
# if you need to use SMTP AUTH at your mail_smarthost:
#mail_username = "smtp_username"
#mail_password = "smtp_password"
# b) alternatively to using SMTP, you can use the sendmail commandline tool:
#mail_sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"
describe more moin configuration
Admin Traceback E-Mails
If you want to enable admins to receive Python tracebacks, you need to configure the following:
# list of admin emails
admin_emails = ["admin <>"]
# send tracebacks to admins
email_tracebacks = True
Please also check the logging configuration example in contrib/logging/email.
User E-Mail Address Verification
At account creation time, Moin can require new users to verify their E-Mail address by clicking a link that is sent to them.
Make sure that Moin is able to send E-Mails (see previous section) and add the following line to your configuration file to enable this feature:
user_email_verification = True
Framework Configuration
Things you may want to configure for Flask and its extensions (see their docs for details):
# for Flask
SECRET_KEY = 'you need to change this so it is really secret'
DEBUG = False # use True for development only, not for public sites!
TESTING = False # if true, some servers will detect file changes and restart
#PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(days=31)
#LOGGER_NAME = 'MoinMoin'
# for Flask-Caching:
#CACHE_TYPE = 'filesystem'
#CACHE_DIR = '/path/to/flask-cache-dir'
#CACHE_THRESHOLD = 300 # expiration time in seconds
Logging Configuration
By default, logging is configured to emit output on stderr. This will work well for the built-in server (it will show up on the console) or for Apache2 and similar (logging will be put into error.log).
Logging is very configurable and flexible due to the use of the logging module of the Python standard library.
The configuration file format is described there:
There are also some logging configurations in the contrib/logging/ directory.
Logging configuration needs to be done very early, usually it will be done from your adaptor script, e.g. moin.wsgi:
from moin import log
You have to fix that path to use a logging configuration matching your needs (use an absolute path).
Please note that the logging configuration has to be a separate file, so don’t try this in your wiki configuration file!