MoinMoin Supports You

Free Support

You can get free support and information here:


All free support is done voluntarily by helpful MoinMoin community members. Thanks to everyone who is helping!

If you enjoyed / want to enjoy free community support, please also consider being an active part of the community and also supporting it.

Commercial Support

As MoinMoin 2.0 is not released yet, there is no support for production systems based on it.

If you want to talk about development topics, please contact the developers.

You Support MoinMoin

Like to help others?

Just stay connected to IRC, our wiki, the mailing list (see above) and help others searching for support there.

Found a bug?

  • File a bug report on the issue tracker.

  • Even better: fix the bug, submit a pull request with a unit test and a fix.

Have an idea?

  • Discuss it on IRC and file a feature request.

  • Even better: discuss and write some Python code implementing it.

Born to code?

  • Help to work on moin2 core, so it gets released sooner.

  • Help to maintain moin 1.9 until moin2 is ready.

Loving UI / UX design?

  • Help us make moin2 look and feel better!

Have good language or documentation skills?

  • If you are a native speaker of a language other than English, with a good understanding of English, consider helping with improving translation to your language. (not yet for moin2, too early!) see also Translating MoinMoin

  • Improve the documentation (see below). Here is a list of all TODOs in this documentation:


add the usual coding(s) for some platforms (like windows)

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/, line 558.)


check if SMBMount still works as documented

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/, line 704.)


describe more moin configuration

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/, line 1505.)