
About MoinMoin

MoinMoin is a wiki engine written in Python. It is Free and Open Source Software under GNU GPL v2+. For details please read the License.

Project homepage:

Using MoinMoin, wiki users can easily create and maintain web content from their browser.

You can use it:

  • as an easily-maintained web site

  • as a knowledge base

  • for taking notes

  • for creating documentation

You can use it for:

  • your company / organisation, your work group

  • your school, college, or university

  • your projects and interests

  • just yourself

You can run it on:

  • a public web server

  • an intranet server

  • your desktop or laptop

  • Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and other OSes

What makes MoinMoin special?

Moin tries to be a great wiki engine, which encompasses: powerful, extendable and easy-to-use. We don’t try to be everything, but we don’t try to be minimalistic either.

There are lots of wiki engines out there, making it hard to pick one. However, choosing wisely is important because you may have to live with your choice for a long time because switching wiki engines is not easy.

We won’t list all of moin’s features, because comparing feature lists is just not enough. Some features are best left unimplemented, even if they sound great at first. In moin, you will find most important features like in most major wiki engines. But still, you and your wiki users might feel quite a different overall experience just because of a bunch of small, superficial differences. Of course the quality of some features’ implementations can vary greatly. Thus, you have to try it and play with it, not just look at feature comparisons.

MoinMoin has been around since about 2000. It has rapidly grown and evolved through moin 1.9.x. Its developers have increased their experience with Python and wiki technology over the years. With moin 2.0, there has been a rather revolutionary cleanup / rewrite of how moin works based on that experience. This promises to make it easier, cleaner, more consistent, more powerful, more flexible and more modular.

Moin is written in Python, an easy to read, high-level, object-oriented, dynamic, well-designed and platform-independent programming language.

Moin is Free Software (that implies that it is Open Source) and, because we use Python, you may even like to read and modify moin’s code.

Who is using MoinMoin?

This shows some of the better-known users of MoinMoin:

Web Sites

  • KernelNewbies, Xen, LinuxWireless, GCC

  • Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS

  • Apache, Gnome, Wine, OpenOffice, Squid, Exim, Dovecot

  • Python, ScyPy, TurboGears

  • Mercurial, Darcs

  • FSFE, FFII, c-base, MusicBrainz

  •,, and … :D

For links and more sites, please see:

You may also add missing moin-based sites there.

Intranet installations

We know that there are a lot of private intranet installations of MoinMoin in:

  • enterprises, companies

  • government and administration

  • scientific research facilities, universities, schools

  • communities

Unfortunately, we do not have permission to name them here.